Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Five Things Every Estate Sale Diva Needs

Heading out for your first estate sale adventure? What to bring, what to bring... Here's a short list of the essentials we wish someone had told us to bring!

1.    A plan. Yes, you need a plan. While stopping by the sale you just happen to pass while driving is always to be encouraged, for regular outings its best to plan ahead.  Register with a local estate sale organizer. This is easy, it usually involves giving your email address, and in the classier establishments – a yellow legal pad with a rather grubby pen for jotting down your info. Now that you’re registered - scan the site, most will not only list the sale, but the address, a quick description, and a few photos of crowded tables full of possible treasures.  We use the photos to choose our sales and narrow in on the treasures we are most interested in. This is where zooming in can be your friend, 'the Middle One' is great at finding the one item with a visible price tag and using it to gauge the reality of the price structure.

2.    A Bag.  Bring your own bag. From time to time you will run across a sale that does not allow it, but in general most will.  Your arms will fill up with items quickly and you need a way to carry it all. Some sales have staff that will gladly ‘take your items to the front and create a ticket’. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? While a nice gesture, it makes it harder to bargain. Feel free to make it a cute bag, after all, you have an image to maintain

3.    Cash, checkbook, credit card. Yes. All three. Some sales do not accept plastic, so you will need an alternative. Cash is great, but do you really want to wander around an unfamiliar neighborhood with a wad of cash in your purse or pocket? On that note, I’ve found that carrying a purse can just be a hardship.  Find a small credit card case that will fit in the front pocket of your stylishly cute jeans. Put a check, your credit card, your ID and your cash in it and shove it down to the bottom of your pocket for safety!

4.    Lets talk transport.  It is expected that you take items with you upon purchase…can you really fit that darling dining table and all four chairs in your Chrysler 200?? We take the Jeep. It has a fair amount of room, I keep a mover’s blanket in the back for cushioning. Its not a bad idea to leave a couple of empty boxes in your vehicle also. This is where that planning in step one can pay off. 

5.    Wet wipes and hand sanitizer…by the case. Seriously, trust me on this. The reality is that most of the items at an estate sale have been stored for quite awhile, sometimes decades. Many of the houses are dusty and a wee bit grimy. You will want to clean at least your hands when you get to the car. And while we are on the subject – dress accordingly. I know those peep-toe, sling-back, heels look adorable with your skinny jeans and Gap top, but you will regret this fashion decision. It wont be cute when you trip on the small tear in the worn carpet and fall against a card table laden with fragile glass collectables. This is the day for your older jeans, tennis shoes or Doc Martens and comfortable shirt. By no means am I saying go as a slob, but be practical and well put together!

Now that this is out there, what do you suggest? We'd love to hear the items you found essential after your first adventure!

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